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The Church Is the World’s Greatest Love Story In the
ancient world, Jacob worked for Laban seven years to marry his daughter Rachel—and then another seven after Laban duped him into marrying Leah first. In the modern world, people go on The Bachelor. God’s love is not crazy.... Be (More Than) Kind My wife and I were recently out walking and
passed by a woman wearing a buoyantly colourful T-shirt full of flowers and virtue that said, “Be kind” on it. I did my best to smile inoffensively at her as she walked by. I probably failed.... Why nobody has friends anymore Comedian John Mulaney once joked that one of Jesus’ greatest miracles was having
12 close friends in his 30s. Sadly, the modern decline of friendship is real, and anything but a punchline. The Survey Center on American Life reports that.... An Epilogue on My Column about Lying It has been
fascinating to read responses to my column in WORLD magazine about the ethics of lying. The occasion for the article was Robin DiAngelo’s claim that Matt Walsh had lied to her in order to procure her participation in Walsh’s.... 5 Essential Lessons from Haggai – Rebuilding Faith, Leadership, and Trust in God The book of Haggai, though one of the shortest in the Bible,
offers profound insights that are deeply relevant for believers today. Set during the post-exilic period, Haggai’s message was delivered to the Jewish people after they....
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