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Why Are Americans So Depressed? Do you realize, there is a record number of Americans who are depressed? This is an alarming trend, one that continues to escalate by the day. Let me show you what I’m talking about: The percentage of U.S. adults who report having been.... Covering up a genitalia remark Many critics of Donald Trump blame conservative evangelicals for keeping alive the ex-president’s new White House hopes. As a journalist and historian, I also wonder about evangelical and conservative media: Are they letting their readers, viewers, and listeners know how crazy Trump sounds these days?... Reformed Theology and Zionism I find it very disturbing that any time I advocate support for the Jewish people on X the only reason some people can imagine for me doing so is that I must be (consciously or unconsciously) a Dispensationalist. I also find it disturbing
that.... St. Ignatius on the Nativity: Abolition of Death, Re-creation of the World Five days before the Nativity of Christ, the Orthodox Church celebrates the great hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer
of Antioch. As he was traveling to Rome to be torn apart by lions, he wrote six epistles to Christians who met with him along....
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