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Israel ‘likely’ will strike Iran’s nuclear program
or oil refineries, expert says A Middle East expert says it’s “increasingly likely” Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear facilities or oil refineries in the wake of Iran’s attack on the Jewish state. The back-and-forth between Israel and Iran has been ongoing for months, with the latest... King David’s Judah found? Despite King David’s prominence in the Hebrew Bible, little archaeological evidence has been directly linked to the early years of the Kingdom of Judah. As a result,
some scholars have argued that Judah only became a developed polity in.... Supreme Court justices could be forced to recuse themselves under new plan The New York City Bar Association's proposal for Supreme Court reform suggests empowering a panel
to decide whether justices must recuse themselves from a case. The NYCBA released a report this week that said Congress has the....
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Can young Americans afford parenthood in today’s economy?
A growing number of young Americans are worried they cannot afford to have children despite living in one of the world’s wealthiest nations. MassMutual’s latest Consumer Spending & Saving Index reveals that 23% of childless
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How Polarization Drives Misinformation As novelist
and comedian Mark Twain once said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” Today, in the world of social media, the lie can travel around the world twice before the truth even wakes up.... Do you want to be made well? This is edited from a few years back. I hope it brings some peace and clarity....I read this account a day or two ago and it has been on my mind since then. I don’t know if you have had that experience, where something that the Lord says.... What Is Progressive Christianity? The Reverend Keith Turner suggests five reasons why progressive Christianity has rendered itself irrelevant. Reason #1 is the lack of a clear, positive definition: progressive Christians define themselves by what they are not, not what they.... Finding Hope in the Chaos of the Election & Social
Media You know, I used to think elections were a time for us to come together as a society, to discuss what matters most, and to seek the common good. But lately, it feels like every election is a battleground. It brings out the very worst in us.... The Amy Wax Affair Last week, Amy Wax, the Robert Mundheim Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania (“Penn”) and three-time recipient of awards for excellence in teaching, was stripped her of her chaired professorship, suspended for a year....
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