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Catholic education: Why we need more yeast and less frosting Walter Ong, S.J., in a 1990 essay, introduced the metaphor of yeast as a model for Catholic education. He likened yeast, which permeates and transforms dough, to faith, which integrates with other disciplines to expand truth and goodness.
Should I tell him he’s a racist?
Social media is fraught with challenges not the least of which is racism. I admit that over the last few years, I have become less active on social media—part of the reason is the growth in unreasoning vitriol. Sadly, much of this vitriol is
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There is a Christian movement to welcome the stranger There is a movement afoot all across America. A growing number of very diverse Christians are confronting the white Christian nationalism that is supporting Donald Trump. The message is clear: This distorted false religion vs. Jesus. So many of..... Veep debate: Vance wins, but Walz doesn't lose If history is any judge, then a vice presidential debate is not really determinative for the election. And the most remarkable thing about the debate was the realization that American politics can still produce a mostly cogent, thoughtful debate.... All the lonely people While money buys automobiles, homes, and clothes, it ultimately buys isolation. Without this wealth, we would once again learn interdependence on each other. We would learn the meaning of borrowing a cup of sugar, of helping a neighbor out.... Celebrate Human
Dignity through Lament in a Therapeutic Age This post reflects on how the therapeutic often overshadows or replaces orthodox Christian spirituality in everyday existence and ecclesial life. If and when that happens, we should seek to ask and answer what difference it will make for.... The Blessing of Tom Bombadil Season 2 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power introduces one of J.R.R. Tolkien’s most beloved and enigmatic characters: Tom Bombadil. Though this would perk up the elfin ears of the most devout Tolkieneers, some might....
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