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‘Every tribe and every nation’ gather in unity despite worldly
conflicts About 200 Christians of multiple nationalities — Russian, Ukrainian, Iranian and Israeli, to name a few — sang that verse of unity together, their citizenship on Earth far less important than a shared home in
heaven. Some attendees drove 45... Mica Miller’s Family Reaches Legal Settlement with Her Husband After Her Controversial Death South Carolina Pastor John-Paul Miller and the family of his late wife, Mica Miller, reached a legal settlement Monday, they announced in a press conference outside of Horry County Court House. The settlement ends any legal jockeying over... Pope Francis tells pro-LGBT conference: ‘I will be spiritually with
all of you’ Pope Francis sent a hand-written letter to Father James Martin shortly before the commencement of the pro-LGBT Outreach conference, writing 'I will be spiritually...with all of you, united in
prayer.'... Faculty Dissent on LGBTQ Issues Under Scrutiny at Calvin U Calvin University is under pressure from its owner, the Christian Reformed Church of North America, to re-examine a process by which professors can formally disagree with aspects of church doctrine. The directive comes after multiple...
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Corrective lenses: Why I was wrong about spanking my children A recent trip to the optometrist reminded me that the unfortunate realities of aging include worsening eyesight. At this rate, my eyesight may soon be as bad as my hearing; at least, that is what I think I heard my eye doctor say. But do not
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What Trump and ‘Last Supper’ have in common Two things happened last Friday that share something in common, despite the differences in detail. As you’re likely well-aware, thanks to social media, the Paris Olympics opened with an extremely controversial scene Friday night.... The Paris Olympics’ Altar to an
Unknown God The controversy over the Paris Olympics’ alleged mockery of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper during the opening ceremony takes us all the way back to ancient Greece. Not to Olympia, the site of the original
Games, but to Athens, as... Trump’s ‘beautiful Christians’ are not the only ones whose values matter Last week, speaking at the Turning Point Action
Believers’ Summit, former President Donald Trump urged the crowd of conservative evangelical Christians to show up for him at the ballot in November, saying, “In four more years, you won’t... Kierkegaard and Christian Nationalism I was wrong. In fact, I wasn’t even close on this one—an intellectual anomaly for sure. I believed Christian nationalism would begin to die down by now. I thought, after January 6th we would see a steady decline in evangelical participation.... Toward A Theological Decolonization of the Nation-State in
Africa The purpose of this essay is to cause those who assume the divine provenance of the nation-state in Africa to begin to entertain doubts about it. Christians, for example, need not baptize the history of (colonial)
plunder that is foundational to...
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