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Years of litigation end as Liberty University settles with Falwell
Liberty University and former president Jerry Falwell, Jr. have reached a settlement, ending years of lawsuits and allegations. Liberty announced that the agreement resolves all outstanding legal and personal disputes. Both parties expressed regret over the prolonged litigation and acknowledged their
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The Religion of Nationalism When I was in high school, a school
managed and mostly staffed by Christian Brothers, our Latin teacher was a young diocesan priest. I don’t believe he taught me much Latin (though I still remember the first line of the Aeneid), but he taught.... Meeting at the Bottom Our home offices shared the same corner of our two-story home—one stacked on the other. From my upstairs office, I heard the low-toned chime that signals the end of a video conference coming from my husband’s space below me. I heard him.... Fathers, teach your children: A direct
challenge Don't read this if you aren't ready to be challenged and maybe even offended. "My husband won't lead our home spiritually!" and, "What do you contribute to our house? You
come home from work, sit in your chair, and play video games all.... "I'll show you how you'll find a sanctuary..." When our daily lives, or the general course of our life, isn’t going our way; when we’re experiencing difficulties, trials, or even the often harsh sting of God’s own discipline; when the relentless onslaught of the troubles of the world
all around us—especially in the state of violent and deadly chaos, uncertainty and injustice....
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Blind woman 'nervous but excited' about skydive A blind woman doing a skydive to raise money for charity says she is "nervous but excited" - and expects her guide dog to be excited too. Louann Kent is doing the tandem skydive to raise money for Guide Dogs, which partnered her with Ugo.... American Gold Medalist Hunter Armstrong is fueled
by faith in God An American swimmer who helped propel the men’s team to a gold medal in the 400-meter relay says his Christian faith has given him peace in the midst of high-stakes competition on the world stage. Team USA’s Hunter Armstrong swam the....
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