Over 500,000 items and ships worldwide. Everything from Bibles and Books to church supplies and home decor. Great Homeschool resources as well as family products. Plus a great line of Spanish products, and the Bible in many World Languages.
A Colorado church will continue to house homeless people in RVs on its church property, thanks to a judge’s preliminary injunction. In a 18-page order, Justice Daniel D. Domenico temporarily blocked the community of Castle Rock....
Billionaire Elon Musk said in a recent interview
that he identifies as a "cultural Christian" and that he is dedicated to destroying the "woke mind virus" after he was deceived into signing off on the gender transition of his son. "While I'm not a....
Oklahoma on Wednesday released guidance to school districts on how to add the Bible into lessons plans, a move that the state mandated last month. Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters wrote in the guidance that....
It’s not as simple as scratching President Joe Biden’s name off the campaign posters. Never in modern U.S. politics has a party done what Democrats are attempting by replacing their presidential candidate this close to the
Black clergy who know Vice President Kamala Harris, now the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential
nomination, marvel at the fusion of traditions and teachings that have molded her religious faith and social justice values....
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I recently attended a church convention that included a question-and-answer session with a new bishop, and during the session, an attendee stood up and asked a question about who would be welcome in the pews and who would
Since becoming the Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance’s religious beliefs have faced scrutiny. Vance, a Catholic
convert, holds policy positions typical of American Catholic conservatives: opposing abortion, supporting traditional....
Approximately 5,000 individuals accepted Christ during a Harvest Crusade event in Los Angeles. Organized by pastor Greg Laurie, the crusade at Anaheim’s Angel Stadium saw a capacity crowd of 50,000 attendees. An additional 1,500
Throughout history, humanity has used art
to honor God, the original artist. Many of art history's greatest masterpieces are such works. Faith on View has partnered with Educational Opportunity Tours to provide tours focusing on art & faith.
In March, my brother Jim had an airline credit that was burning a hole in his pocket. So after much pestering on my part, he and my SIL Michelle came to beautiful western NC for a visit. The trip overlapped with his birthday so I wanted to do....
In the immediate aftermath of the assassination attempt on former President Trump, social media were treating us to an endless stream of uninformed “hot takes.” Although the better part of wisdom would refuse public speculation....
At the academic level, scholars will be aware of numerous books and essays on Paul and the Law. Many ministers and laity approach the question differently: ‘Is the Law still relevant for
Christians?’ Much of this discussion focusses on....
Only 1 out
of every 1,000 Indonesians is an avid reader, according to UNESCO’s 2012 reading interest index. The country also ranks second to last in a list of the world’s most literate countries, which examined tests as well as “literate....
Earlier in the month, I attended NatCon4, the fourth annual meeting of the so-called national conservatives, a right-wing faction aligned with Donald Trump at home and with figures such as Viktor Orbán and Giorgia Meloni abroad....
The most popular part of Faith on View is our Essays. They are why the site was established and are still the heart of why we consider this project so important. When we publish new
essays we send out emails to let people know. If you would like to get notifications please click our one click sign-up.
Actress Patricia Heaton recently asked her followers an important question about Jesus Christ in a video she shared on social media. Our world is often a sad and lonely place. Many people are hurting and looking for hope. They try to find....
Dwayne Johnson’s adorable moment with a child in Target has melted hearts worldwide. He showcased his star power, genuine kindness, and humility. When the eager
youngster challenged Dwayne to a game of rock, paper, scissors....
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