It is no secret that I do not support Trump. I believe he is a danger to our country. That said, he is am image bearer of God. Any effort to murder him, or anyone, is abhorrent.
This weekend, I saw conservatives online declaring how evil Democrats were for trying to assassinate Trump. I also saw liberals either lamenting that the bullet missed or asserting that the attack was a staged false flag. To quote President Biden, this all is “sick.”
It is disturbing that this the level to which American discourse has degenerated. More disturbing is that the visible church does not stand as a counterpoint. Too often, the vitriol is just as acerbic within the Church, if not more so.
At the heart of the Gospel, is the remaking of
our hearts of stone to hearts that have the same passions as Christ. We are to be known by our love. Our disposition of love should stand in stark contrast to the world. Sadly, the Church seems to merely echo the world’s hate. We need to repent.
I pray that the environment that led to Saturday's shooting is redeemed and that the Church shows the
world God’s prodigal grace and boundless love. I pray for the safety of all political figures, including former President Trump. I pray that we see the image of God in others and treat them with appropriate love and care regardless of any disagreement.
- Rondall Reynoso, Faith on View Founder and Executive Editor