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Wonders in the heavens and signs on the earth
The eclipse on April 8th, 2024, has my social media feeds abuzz with all kinds of end-time speculation and projected significance beyond the actual wonder of the moon coming between the Earth and the Sun. These events, and the mania
Art & Faith
Tours "In the beginning, God created..." Throughout history, humanity has used art
to honor God, the original artist. Many of art history's greatest masterpieces are such works. Faith on View has partnered with Educational Opportunity Tours to provide tours focusing on art & faith.
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HOPE BEYOND POLITICS IN EUROPE The news from Europe is dominated by the U.K. and French elections—and the apparent chaos that the latter in particular seems to anticipate. It might be easy to dismiss the continent as being in the death-throes of an old world order. How Is Jesus the True Vine? The seventh and last of the “I am” sayings of Jesus—“I am the true vine” (John 15:1)—is arguably the most enigmatic of them all (at least to gentile
readers). The temptation for many readers (and preachers) is to view this language purely... Made in the Imagination of Love I love God. I just don’t trust God. The god of conditional promises. Of quid pro quo practices. Of formulaic certainties. The sow tithes and reap rewards god. The attend-church-worship-pray-read-bible-to-live-a-fully-blessed-life god. The “if... Make Lying Wrong Again I recently have noticed this slogan on bumper stickers and t-shirts, and I very much appreciate the sentiment. Our society seems to be devolving; lying and its cousin, cheating, seem to be okay, unless one is under oath and subject to punishments...
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