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Loving “The Donald”
I first wrote this reflection in 2015 and was concerned then about the evangelical embrace of hateful ideologies and rhetoric. Sadly, that embrace has only grown stronger. I am proud to see old essays like this as a testimony to standing....
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What I would ask Kamala Harris if she agreed to an interview Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to agree to her first interview since becoming the Democratic candidate for president. It has been five weeks since Joe Biden departed from the race and endorsed Ms. Harris as his replacement. Still, the.... Morality, Culture Wars, and Consent, Part 1 Our reading this week is from the gospel of Mark. “The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed.... Narcissus the Pharisee When I was younger, I desperately wanted to wear glasses. Everyone in my family wore them: my parents, older sister, and even my younger brother. I felt like I didn't fit in. I was the oddball. I used to try to blur my vision in hopes that one day it .... What's the Difference Between Shiite and Sunni
Muslims? The differences between Sunni and Shiite Muslims vary, both theologically and in terms of practice in Islam, thought the divergence began with a disagreement about leadership succession. When it comes to practice, the variations are slight.... Trump’s Disturbing Support of IVF This year’s presidential campaign recalls a criticism Benjamin Disraeli said about some of his fellow Tories on the issue of the Corn Laws. When a member of Parliament advocated for a position the opposite of his party’s traditional stance....
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