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Savior Fatigue Barack Obama’s return to the national stage on Tuesday night
will mark 16 years of messianic politics in the United States. It didn’t used to be that way. America has had many charismatic presidents, but in my lifetime the only one before 2008.... No More July 24 may come to be remembered as one of the most shameful days in recent American history. That was
the day Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, a man who has authorized atrocities to save his own political skin, was permitted.... How a TikTok Trad Wife Decodes Our Cultural Moment Sometimes, a viral video can explain a cultural moment better
than a stack of sociology journals. This is one of those times. Standup comedian Josh Johnson expertly explained the ironies of the recent double-cancellation of a racist-talking.... What Motivates You? Individuals are motivated by different things. Some are motivated by a desire to succeed. Others are driven by a desire for wealth. Still others seek popularity and praise. But should these things motivate the Christian? The apostle Paul’s first.... 15 Christian Parody Songs Someone Needs to Repent For For almost as long as there have been pop songs, there have been parodies of those pop songs — people who want to ride the coat tails of a hit with their own unique spin on it. Sometimes these can be funny, as seen in work from the likes....
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Runner raced against great-grandson on 85th birthday A veteran runner who raced against his great-grandson on his 85th birthday has said organised running events could create a new generation of athletes. Eric Hughes, from Bridgend, has volunteered at more than 500 Parkruns, which.... New Team Brings HOPE for the
Homeless During a time when the U.S. Housing Department reports the number of people facing homelessness in the U.S. has reached the highest level on record due to economic instability and an increasingly unaffordable housing market, HOPE....
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