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Evangelicals back Kamala Harris: New coalition challenges Trump A group of evangelical leaders has formed a coalition, “Evangelicals for Harris,” to back Kamala Harris in her presidential bid. The coalition argues that Harris “better reflects Christian values” than Donald Trump, citing her “life of public service”
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Debunking the Myths: Christian Nationalism and Violence Christian nationalism is on the rise, and with it comes a host of myths that intertwine faith with violence. As believers committed to the teachings of Jesus, it is our duty to critically examine these narratives and confront them with the truth of.... Roman Crucifixion Methods Reveal the History of Crucifixion What do we know about the history of crucifixion? In the following article, “New Analysis of the Crucified Man,” Hershel Shanks looks at evidence of Roman crucifixion methods as analyzed from the remains found in Jerusalem of a young.... Bearing False Witness As a Catholic, I suppose I should try harder not to enjoy Protestant factional infighting as much as I do. But every time I read something as bog-bottom dumb as Megan Basham’s excruciatingly imbecilic new book, Shepherds for Sale: How.... DNC abortion service
highlights America’s new religious war Was the end of Roe v. Wade the beginning of religious conflict in America? The announcement of a sellout abortion-on-wheels clinic at this week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago has highlighted the increasingly divisive nature.... Kingdom over country 2024 marks the first time Carlos Estrada, minister for the Spanish-speaking cohort of Chicago’s Northwest Church of Christ, gets to cast his vote as an American citizen. The Honduran native understands the importance of elections — that....
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Black Baptist group gets $1 million to aid African girls A Baptist missions organization has received a $1 million donation from a Virginia megachurch, boosting its efforts to help girls in Africa. Lott Carey, a predominantly Black organization long known as the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission
Society.... How one state's new 'Civility Caucus'
aims to bridge partisan divides Larry Kraft is a homemade ice cream aficionado. Kristin Robbins went to the same graduate school as a recently retired colleague. And it turns out that both Robbins and Sandra Feist care deeply about how social media impacts kids. It's exactly....
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