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A modern hand-lettering pioneer, Lindsay Letters® offers beautiful hand lettered and abstract art, customizable to your liking by choosing form,
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What should
Christians think about immigration? In the midst of a season that calls to mind the birth of the Christ child, and the upheaval in the world of the occupation by the Roman Empire surrounding the place of his birth, we
experience the longest night of the year....
What does a “Psalm” mean?
The Book of Psalms is located near the center of a typical Christian Bible. They were not in the Torah because they are considered artistic expressions. Jewish people use the Psalms in the temple and as a guide to pray, as do
You often hear individuals say, “That’s not Art!” So, what is art? How do we approach this delicate question? Further, how does art relate to the Christian faith? Some ask, “What is Christian Art?” The lecture establishes a working definition of art and a lens through which to think about the question of “Christian Art.” Explore my lectures |
Easter is over - Now what? Packed away are the decorations. The long forty days of Lent with its emphasis on drawing closer to our Lord has come to an end, the Passion of Holy Week is behind us, the breakfast, the Sunrise Service, the overflow crowds who filled the pews... Let the Seas Rise and Feed the
Poor Indonesia is the largest archipelagic nation in the world. It’s made up of an astounding 17,000 islands, with 70 percent of the population living in coastal areas. Many view the country as a divers’ haven because it is
home to vibrant coral reefs...
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