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Caring for people with memory issues For the Rev. Becky Shirley, the sound of her dementia-suffering mother’s voice singing
“The Old Rugged Cross” was a miracle. “My mother is 93 years old,” said Shirley, senior pastor at Washington Street United Methodist Church...
ChurchSource exists for one purpose: to meet the needs of pastors and church leaders by connecting them to God-honoring resources. ChurchSource is one of the first places pastors go to discover new resources because we’re backed by two of the most trusted names in publishing, Zondervan and Thomas Nelson. Explore ChurchSource today!
The person my mother thinks I am My mother is fond of telling me, “Scot you’re David!” The David she has in mind is the biblical one. And when she conflates me and King David, I’m positive she is thinking of the David who is described as being a “man after God’s own
Between two
worlds I grew up on a small ranch in Northern California. My mother, who was raised in rural Tennessee and loved the land, took care of the ranch and home. My father was an Appellate Court Judge in Sacramento. While I was
in elementary school...
Who is God?
The question of who God is may be one of the most difficult to answer. The reason for its complexity is not difficult to understand: No one has seen God. It is difficult enough sometimes to describe certain things in our physical
What does scripture say about the visual arts? This lecture looks at the approach scripture takes to art, including unexpected arts such as abstraction and performance art, and puts forth a rudimentary theology of art. Also examined, is the problematic relationship between art and the Evangelical church. Learn More |
Church, Your Hope is not in the Election. I can’t stand election season. The smear campaigns, the empty promises, the arguments that erupt on social media, and the division that inevitably
follows it all. Each election cycle seems to drive a wedge further between us, making it... Get Back to Work if You Know What’s Good for You Americans are usually chastised for putting in too many hours at the office compared with European counterparts. But what if we’re not working hard enough because we don’t appreciate what work is?... Nationalism: Pro and Con In American politics, slogans often replace reasoned analysis and talking points replace historical knowledge, especially in popular media. As the election season cranks up, we hear both secular and religious commentators condemn “Christian nationalism”...
The most popular part of Faith on View is our Essays. They are why the site was established and are still the heart of why we consider this project so important. When we publish new
essays we send out emails to let people know. If you would like to get notifications please click our one click sign-up.
A Resurrection—and a
Miracle—In Iraq If we’re honest with
ourselves, it can be tough to wrestle with the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. As Christians, it’s one of the foundations of our faith—St. Paul even says our faith is “worthless” without Christ’s resurrection (1 Cor. 15:14).... New York Baptist Church And Pastor Mark 50 Years Of Service When Mark Hui, pastor of Brooklyn Chinese Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York, felt God calling him 50 years ago to start a church for Chinese-speaking people, he thought it would be as easy as opening a restaurant...
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