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Mike Johnson Has Ties to a Christian Movement That Played a Key Role in Spreading
Trump’s Big Lie Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) became Speaker of the House less than a month ago. Since then, a national audience has become aware of a slew of questionable remarks, associations, and policy positions: The congressman has been criticized for blaming school shootings on no-fault divorces... The Supreme Court’s rightward tilt has the
Christian right dreaming of upending public education. But it could come at the expense of conservatives’ big ideas. It is a heady moment for America’s conservatives, who at long last seem to be on the cusp of getting the Christian public schools they have fantasized about... Kentucky Baptists cut ties with church with female pastor Messengers representing more than 2,300 churches affiliated with the Kentucky Baptist Convention affirmed a recommendation of the convention’s Committee on Credentials
to disaffiliate Fern Creek Baptist Church in Louisville.... Is a TikTok Famous Statue of the Virgin Mary Really Crying?
A congregation of churchgoers in Mexico may have borne witness to a real-life miracle… or did they? Visitors were shocked and moved when a
statue of the Virgin Mary appeared to shed real tears. The event has been dubbed a “miracle,” but is there a more scientific explanation?... Lawsuit Accuses NAMB President Kevin Ezell of Lying to Get Higher Price on Home A Georgia couple is accusing Kevin Ezell, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB), of lying to get a higher price on a real estate sale, according to a recent lawsuit. Filed in the Fulton County Superior Court in Georgia this September, the suit alleges that Kevin
Speaking on Art & Faith I'm Rondall Reynoso founder of Faith on View. As a professor specializing in art and
religion, I have spoken nationally in churches, colleges, and universities. I work with churches and organizations to develop a program of talks, workshops, and/or exhibitions that is appropriate for your needs. Learn more!
Bent over at
Bethesda, listening to the night You’re not swearing when you say it’s been a Hell of a year. You put it down on paper, and it doesn’t look like much. But things add up. Things bleed you, leave you weak. You find reservoirs
of faith, but in all honesty, at times you’re diving deep and coming up with very little for the effort of holding your breath....
The dangerous nexus of conspiracy theories in the Middle East
The main danger in many conspiracy theories lies not in their truth or falsity, but that people believe them to be true and act on that belief. We ignore this at our peril. One theory, held widely in the Middle East, is that Israel is planning to destroy the site of
Al-Aqsa complex in Jerusalem...
What is Hell? Hell, a concept with significance in Christian theology, has been a source of both intrigue and fear for believers and skeptics alike. This article aims to delve into the depths of this mysterious and often controversial topic, shedding light on its
historical, biblical, and theological foundations....
Throwing Religious Violence Out The Window
They swarmed over barricades and smashed windows. Crosses and Christian flags fluttered alongside the Star and Bars. A group across the street chanted and sang “This place is covered with the blood of Jesus” while five lives were being cut short
When Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson ascended to the speakership of the United States House of Representatives, he gave what any fair-minded observer would have to concede was a unifying... By the time abortion makes the ballot, the battle’s
over The fight over abortion in America is as much a religious contest as a political one. Until the pro-life movement recognizes this, it will keep getting shocked by referendum results like those in Ohio last week, which
planted a right to abortion in the state’s constitution.... Jesus demands that we call for an end to this war: How can anyone rejoice at
death? I’m sure that some are saying right now, “How can I say such a thing?” After all, are there not such
things are “Just wars.” “And,” the argument continues, “if there was ever such a thing as a Just War, this is it.”...
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